Ruth Hamilton, MA Ed., Expressive Arts counselor, offers these on-site two hour classes in the Expressive Arts workshops for your agency or company:
Expressive Arts for Self Discovery
Participants will use various visual arts, storytelling and gentle movement to encourage creativity. This introductory course is not about how to make works of art, but is about developing the imagination. Visual arts include modeling clay, oil crayons, and watercolor.
Mask Making for Nurturing the Creative Spirit
Simple masks will be constructed that invite stories. Participants will explore images that support creativity and healing. Everyone will develop the mask character and share the special gifts of this mask character.
Fun, Healing and Growth with Collage
Collage is a creative tool that can assist us in nurturing and healing the body and mind. The goal of this workshop is to introduce collage as a medium of self-expression and discovery. Pictures emerge from various cut papers, pictures, ribbons, and design symbols.
Visual Journaling for Healing
Use pictures and symbols to create images that heal the spirit. Visual imagery is more effective than writing alone and can often lead to new insights. No special talents are needed in drawing. Everyone will receive a visual journal and crayons.
Circle Designs & Mandalas for Centering
Mandala means “circle” in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. The group will see beautiful mandalas and circle designs from various countries. Construct your own mandala which can become a symbol for healing. Centering and focusing occur during the mandala making & give new insights.
Gentle Movement and Sound for Healing
Listen to relaxing music and access your body’s healing movements. The gentle movements will allow you to move through your life with greater trust, pleasure, power, creativity and presence. Working with rhythm instruments, you’ll experience nature and body sounds.
Humor for Stress Management
Using humor props and improvisation, you’ll learn to use laughter and humor for fun, exercise, and creativity. Learn why laughing exercises create a sense of well-being in the body, mind, and spirit. With Ruth’s trunk of humorous props, participants will develop comic characters that remind them to lighten up.
Earth, Fire, Wind, & Rain Expressive Arts
Using the four elements, you’ll explore various arts for healing. Participants make a “power bracelet” for fire energy, watercolor for rain, explore Native American earth symbols, and make a mobile for wind. This two session class will help you access the healing images of nature.
Additional Workshops – Click on the titles to find out more
- Creative Arts for Prosperity
- Creating Centering Mandalas
- Watercolor for Emotional Healing
- Creating Earth Arts & Terrariums
- Navajo Sacred Art
- Writing, Visions, & Revisions
- Creating Solstice Candles & Wreaths
Expressive Arts sessions begin with relaxation exercises and inner focusing. You’ll be guided to sense the body’s wisdom and to note the inner imagery. Often the body is trying to tell you about stress producing situations in your life. Through visual arts using watercolor, pastels, oil crayons, and colored pencils you learn to identify, display, and transform your images. Sound, laughter, and music activate vibrational healing to soothe the spirit. Movement, dance, and healing gestures mobilize the body’s healthy hormones. Storytelling and native and tribal myths help you tap into the wisdom of the ages. Three dimensional design, mandalas, and sculpture bring focus and clarity that can release stress. All of these expressive arts will help you create healing and growth pathways.
Lundee Amos, a cancer survivor, is shown experiencing her first Expressive Arts session and the first time she has used watercolor. She said: “There was a release of my troubled heart and I felt celestial guidance The session was fun and I experienced new art mediums that showed me how I could continue the session at home. I didn’t want to stop and I look forward to my next session with Ruth.”
Another client, Cathy Keilar says: “The combination of guided visualization, and expressing my feelings thru drawing and movement cleared a lot of stuck emotions for me. Ruth’s creation of such a safe, expressive atmosphere supported a transformation of emotions that helped free up my energy. After the session, I felt a great sense of integration of what I know is real, not just the projection of my ego”.
Additional workshops:
For Grieving Families and Friends
Ruth Hamilton, counselor and jewelry artist, offers a two hour workshop on memory beading. A beautiful and poignant necklace will be constructed with mementos and charms representing the beloved family or friend. All materials are furnished. This necklace can be worn or placed in a memory area honoring the beloved. The necklace is made with copper wire wrapping technique and easy to learn.
For mental health groups
Ruth Hamilton will conduct a visual journaling workshop as an aid in processing difficult emotions. Pictures combined with words are most helpful for releasing feelings and for creating tools for coping. Simple techniques are introduced using crayons, colored pencils, watercolor, and felt tips. All materials are furnished and participants may also bring their own unlined journals.
For artists
Ruth Hamilton offers beading and jewelry techniques for the artist that includes pearl knotting, grid building, wire wrapping, fiber arts, and theme building with semi precious gem stones. The sessions are 1.5 hour and are $80. Basic materials and tools furnished, additional accent pieces and beads can be purchased.